Lindsey’s Lessons Lately ✨

Real talk: I survived not thrived the past couple of years.

While I had amazing experiences, created lifetime memories, challenged myself and enjoyed the small things, I never really felt like "me." (At least the version of me I want to be)

But just like I help my clients wade through the muck, I get to do that for myself everyday. I get to figure out who I am as a wife, pet momma, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, CEO and coach. 

And that hasn't been easy as of late.

We are all just experiencing life. We can't do anything about that.

But we can decide who we want to be and how we want to experience this one beautiful life. Sometimes you forget all the beautiful things, but the good news is, you will always return home to you. And chances are it will be a new you with more wisdom and courage. And that's what's truly beautiful.

Cheers to a New Year. However that may look for you. ✨

2022 and 2023 were the year of failures, second guessing, trying to be someone I’m not, wanting a new life...

Then finally remembering remembering who the f*ck I am.

The amazing thing about failing is, it teaches us beautiful lessons that we may have never learned without it.

So fail as you must, but always take those lessons with you.

Here are my lessons lately:

Focus on what you do have:

I have everything I need within me. No amount of money, housing, food, “success”, job security, etc will come until I am fully aligned and happy with what I do have, right here, right now.

Somewhere in the last two years, I forgot that and fell off track.

Trying to be someone you’re not catches up with you:

I learned some very hard lessons around not living my values, “faking it”, and ignoring my intuition. And it wasn’t fun.

It’s like winning a marathon using performance enhancing drugs. You won... but was it actually you? IDK about you, but when I cross that finish line, I want it to be fully on my terms. Unapologetically.

When something doesn’t feel good, leave:

I was in certain environments and around certain people where, as time went by, altered my personality, and my actions weren’t in alignment with who I want to be as a person.

I don’t need to be in environments like that and those environments certainly don’t need me as my worst version. So, even though it was hard, I left.

Ask questions and be curious:

On that note. I probably wouldn’t have been in those environments if I had asked better questions. About those environments, about those people.

And of course, asked myself better questions. When you ask yourself better questions, you get better answers.


Towards the end of last year, I finally decided to be honest with myself, which let be me honest with friends and family about how I was struggling. I didn't expect anything really, but what I got was magical.

Hearing from my loved ones about when they struggled and how they coped during their hard times made me feel less alone and infinitely closer to them. Share more. Of your failures, and of your wins. The ones who matter will love you either way.

Foundations Matter:

When I was struggling, I never gave up on me. I kept moving my body, I nourished my soul through reading, movies and meditation, didn’t stress eat or drink, didn’t let my struggles affect my personal relationships, and never once thought about giving up on my vision (we are going to change the workplace with self-love!!!)

At the end of the day, these non-negotiable foundations I built years ago kept me going. Some wobbled as I have shared, but others helped me be aware that I was wobbling. And I’m so proud of myself for that.

This year, I want to go deeper with myself, which means going deeper with y’all.

I’m not perfect. I fail. I cry. I struggle. But I promised to love myself through it all, and my biggest dream in life is for you to love yourself too.

Thank you for being here!

❤️ Lindsey


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